reporting a ragged/ unbalanced hierarchy

Grantham Good

Feb 27, 2020
We have a ragged / unbalanced P&L hierarchy and want to expand to a specific level, for example at the simplest terms: starting at leaf level - call it level 0, we want to expand to say level 1?

In Dimension editor instructions: I have used the expand function 5 times, however by applying it this way, we land up at different node levels in the hierarchy. Including the leaf level for accounts with lesser levels than others (being ragged)

Results in inconsistencies in how we display our data - want to display only consolidations to a level above zero (leaf) at least.

Would be good if you could define the depth of levels for multiple parents
Currently you can use a combination of 'Remove using next instruction' and 'Expand using next instruction' instructions to get the structure you want. However this can be quite time consuming.

The Development team does plan on adding an instruction similar to what you are suggesting. I will speak to them and see about accelerating progress on that.
Would be great also if we had a default expanded view of the hierarchy that could be snapped to each new report, otherwise we create a a convoluted expand method each time we want a new report because the standard viewcan not be moved around the reports

One option is in Dimension Editor is to allow users to sort and view the full intended subset on the left pane, including letting subtotals at the bottom in this view, and then pushing to the middle for representation? Good example for this requirement is a ragged P&L structure.

We are happy to work with you on this requirement
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